Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Looking ahead to the week of September 1

Hello, families!  We are having a wonderful first full week of school!

Please sign and return all of the forms that were sent home in this week's communication folder (if you have not done so already).  All of the information needs to be filed in the office or in my classroom.  Also, please send me an email with your child's name in the subject line, so that I may save your email address (if you have not received an email from me already).

If your child's transportation has changed (or is ever is different than usual throughout the school year), please send a note with your child to school.

Looking ahead to next week:  Students will continue studying human systems, industries, natural resources, and major cities of South Carolina.  Just a reminder:  they will receive their first study guide Friday, August 29.  It is due Monday, September 8 (the day we will go over it in class).  As mathematicians, the children will practice elements of division, as well as, the commutative property of multiplication.  I strongly encourage the kids to begin memorizing their multiplication facts, as soon as possible! In reading, students will be continue building their reading stamina and discussing how to choose a "just right" book.  They will also practice reading in partnerships.  As writers, students will continue studying basic writing skills and begin a research project.  The children will also have their first spelling pre-assessment.  It will contain all of the kindergarten high-frequency words.  These will be checked for accuracy and go home next week with a letter explaining how we do spelling in third grade.

Graded work will start going home in next week's communication folder.

I hope you'll be able to join me at Open House, Tuesday, September 2 (6:00 - 7:00).  I will be highlighting some important points from my Open House booklet.  If are unable to make it, you can preview the booklet here (Open House Booklet).  Please excuse the formatting.  The original document had to be converted to a Google Doc!  You'll also receive a paper copy in your child's communication folder Thursday, September 4, if you are unable to attend Open House.

Thank you again for all of your support and enthusiasm!  I hope you all have a wonderful, long weekend!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Looking ahead to the week of August 25

Hello, families!  I hope you and your child had a great start to the school year!  I know I've enjoyed getting to know all of the children.  It is going to be a wonderful year!

If you haven't visited our class blog yet, well, welcome!  This is how I will be communicating with families each week, in an effort to save paper!  You will find important dates, class happenings and even see pictures of things we do in class.  This newsletter will be updated every Thursday (at the latest)!  I'm asking that you bookmark this site and check it out every week, in order to stay informed about our class.  If you do not have weekly, easy computer access, please let me know.

Please sign and return all of the forms that were sent home in this week's communication folder.  All of the information needs to be filed in the office or in my classroom.  Also, please send me an email with your child's name in the subject line, so that I may save your email address (if you have not received an email from me already).

Your child will be issued his/her first homework packet Friday, August 22.  This packet will not be due until the following Friday (August 29).  We will discuss homework procedures at Open House a bit more, but I just wanted to make you aware that your child will have one week to complete this homework packet.  This allows students to learn time management and responsibility skills.  For instance, if your child plays a sport two nights a week, you can double-up on a night with no ball practice.  The homework will be simple at first, but evolve a bit more in the coming weeks.  Please understand that students will not receive an extra homework packet it they lose their initial one (this is a third grade procedure).

If your child's transportation has changed (or is ever is different than usual throughout the school year), please send a note with your child to school.  

Students have been curious about their SAIL schedule this year.  The children will have the following SAIL rotation this year (unless you are otherwise notified):
  • Mondays - Art
  • Tuesdays - PE (Wear tennis shoes!)
  • Wednesdays - Music
  • Thursdays - Computer lab
  • Fridays - Rotation day!  Science lab or second PE (Wear tennis shoes!)
*The easiest thing to remember:  When in doubt, have your child wear tennis shoes on Tuesdays and Fridays!

Looking ahead:  As readers, students will begin to practice Daily 5 procedures and reading stamina.  In writing, children will begin setting up their Writer's Notebook and practice writing complete sentences.  As mathematicians, students will begin studying multiplication - Please have your child begin memorizing his/her multiplication facts!  In social studies, students will kick off a unit about South Carolina.  They'll study regions, landforms, the climate, and river systems.

I hope you'll be able to join me at Open House, Tuesday, September 2 (6:00 - 7:00).  I will be highlighting some important points from my Open House booklet.  If are unable to make it, you can preview the booklet here (Open House Booklet).  Please excuse the formatting.  The original document had to be converted to a Google Doc!  You'll also receive a paper copy in your child's communication folder Thursday, September 4, if you are unable to attend Open House.

Thank you again for all of your enthusiasm and support!  We're going to make a great team and work hard to ensure your child has a successful year in third grade!