Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Looking ahead to the week of September 15

Mrs. Gross and Ms. DeGracia taught us all about Chromebooks this week!  We learned not to share our personal information with anyone online, how to care for our Chromebooks and the "ins and outs" of using one!

Hello, families!  I hope you all are enjoying the cooler temperatures this week!

Our class blog:  Please make sure you view the desktop version of our class blog each week.  I know many of us check the blog out on our phones.  If you scroll down, please choose the other version, so you may see the important dates section.

Active Gamecock Logs:  I hope students are using their LIFESKILL of effort to fill out their Active Gamecock log each day!  It is due Monday, September 15.  I will turn them into Mr. Schirmer.  He will hand out the free Gamecock tickets to those students who turned in forms.  We have been talking in class about the importance of being physically active... it helps us stay healthy!

Support BRES:  Fundraiser packets went home on Monday.  I hope your family will participate and help us reach our school goal!  The fundraiser ends September 24.

MAP Testing:  Students will have their second MAP test next week next week (math).  This will give me a baseline of what the students know.  They will be tested again in the spring, which will assess their growth this school year.  Please encourage your child to not stress out one bit!  It is just an opportunity to show all that they know!

Interims:  Interims will be issued next Thursday, September 18.  Please make plans to sit down with your child, review his/her progress and set goals for the rest of the quarter.  The transition into third grade can be a tough one!  Please encourage your child to do his/her personal best every day!

Looking ahead:  Students will complete a mid-module test in math.  They will continue studying arrays and tape diagrams, as well as, the distributive property.  As scientists, they will learn about lifecycles and animal adaptations.  Students will receive their next unit study guide Friday, September 19.  In reading, students will learn about the setting and plot of a story.  They will also practice Daily 5 procedures.  As writers, they will continue learning note-taking skills.

Conference letters:  Conferences letters will go home in your child's communication folder this Thursday.  Please sign and return them, as soon as possible!

Have a wonderful rest of your week!  Thank you again for all of your support!

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