Monday, February 8, 2016

Looking ahead to the week of February 15

Thanks to all of the BookMEN, who came out for our 100th day of school celebration!


Hi, families!  I hope you all had a great weekend!

"Being There Experience" Reminder:  Students will be going on a field trip to the State House Tuesday, February 16.  Please note that we do not have chaperones for this trip, due to a limited number of people allowed in our group.  Please send a lunch with your child, if that's the option you chose on his/her permission form.  Please also make sure your child dresses appropriately for the weather and wear comfortable shoes.

Half day:  Students will have a half day Friday, February 12.  Students will be served lunch and dismissal is at 11:30.  Please write a note, if your child's transportation changes.

Friends and Family lunch:  Third grade will celebrate Friends and Family lunch Friday, February 19.  Please meet us in the Seaside Cafe at 11:32!

Looking ahead:  In math, students will continue a unit on fractions.  Check out our Family Letter with this link:  Fraction Unit Family Letter.  Please remind your child to practice his/her multiplication facts daily!  Students will continue their mixed multiplication quizzes throughout the remainder of the school year.  They will also retake any multiplication quizzes necessary to obtain their trail mix ingredients for our trail mix celebration in the spring.   As historians, students will wrap up learning about national, state, and local government.  In writing, students will continue learning cursive handwriting.  They will also learn how to respond to cold reads and locate information in new texts.  Students will revisit synonyms and antonyms.  The will also wrap up their expository writing unit.

A note from Mrs. Spangler:
Random Acts of Kindness Week- February 8-12
February is a fun month to show others that we care about them! To join in on the February fun, we are observing National "Random Acts of Kindness Week”, February 8-12.  The current guidance lesson for each class is be about “Bucketfilling”, and showing kindness to others.  On February 8th we will begin creating a “Kindness Wall” on D-hallway, for students, teachers, and staff to share an example of an act of kindness they have given and an act of kindness they have received.  We’ll leave our Kindness Wall up throughout the remainder of February for everyone to enjoy.   Have fun filling buckets!  Check out this website with your child and pick out a few acts of kindness you might like to do together as a family!

To get into the spirit each day for “Kindness Week”, we will observe the following:   
Monday, 2/8- “Say ‘Hi’ & Smile at Three People Day” 
Tuesday, 2/9- “Hug or High-Five a Friend Day” 
Wednesday, 2/10- “Write a Note of Encouragement Day” 
Thursday, 2/11- Say Thank You to a Teacher, Seaside Café worker, Custodian, or Bus Driver Day” 

Friday, 2/12- Wear Red (or Pink) for “Love Day”: & YOU get to pick the act of kindness today!

Thank you again for all that you do!  Have a wonderful week!

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