Friday, March 4, 2016

Looking ahead to the week of March 14

Students enjoyed a visit from M.H. Herlong.  They've been listening to her story, Buddy, in the Media Center, so it was great to meet the author!

Hi, families!  I hope you all had a great weekend!

Looking ahead:  In math, students will kick off a new unit on data, plots, and graphs.  Check out the family letter below. Please remind your child to practice his/her multiplication facts daily!  Students will continue their mixed multiplication quizzes throughout the remainder of the school year.  They will also retake any multiplication quizzes necessary to obtain their trail mix ingredients for our trail mix celebration in the spring.   As historians, students will wrap up learning about the Reconstruction period.  As scientists, they'll begin our "What's the Matter with Matter?" unit.  They'll study properties of matter, as well as, heat sources.  In writing, students will continue learning cursive handwriting.  They will start a unit on opinion writing.  As readers, they will revisit cold reads.  

A reminder about the first grade charity:  Please send in any loose change you have, which will be donated to the police department, in a effort to buy a bullet-proof vest for a K-9 officer.

District Art Show:  Be sure to visit Columbia Place Mall on Two Notch Road to see our BRES students' art work on display!  The show runs through March 21.

Have a wonderful week and thank you again for all that you do!

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