Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Looking ahead to the week of May 28 (Week B)

Students enjoyed a 5th grade talent show Friday, May 18!  Bookman's got talent!

A lot of fun was had at our "Year of West Laser Fest!"  Thank you so much for coming out to celebrate the end of a great year!

Hi, families! I hope you all had a great weekend and were able to stay cool!

"Year of West Laser-Fest:"  Thank you to everyone, who made it out to our end-of-the-year celebration!  We had a blast!  Special shout-out to Mrs. Fakas and Ms. Tomlinson for organizing everything and to all of the families, who contributed ideas and food!  

Looking ahead to next week:  Students will wrap up their electricity unit of study.  It's important that they are in class, as we will be doing many hands-on simulations throughout the unit.  We will also assess students one day before grades are due, so there won't be much time to make up their test!  In ELA, students will be creating reflective projects in both reading and writing.  They will also continue wrapping up handwriting.  As mathematicians, they'll get a sneak peek at what's to come in fourth grade!   

Yearbooks:  If you'd like to purchase a yearbook, please see the flyer from Mrs. King below...

Multiplication celebration donations:  We are good on supplies for our multiplication celebration!  Thank you, families, for your donations!  

    Thank you again for all of your support!  Have a great weekend! 

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