Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Week of January 14

 Ms. Sease worked with the third grade this week.  She focused on perfecting dictionary and thesaurus skills.
Students from different third grade classes collaborated to complete their dictionary and thesaurus scavenger hunts.  They had a great time mixing things up!

Hello, families!

Please be sure to return your child's permission form for our next "Being There Experience," if you haven't done so already.  They are due Wednesday, January 9.

Looking ahead:  We'll be kicking off our biography unit in reading.  Students will learn all about heroes and heroines of the American Revolution.  In writing, students will review elements of good writing.  They'll focus on body paragraphs.  As mathematicians, students will learn more tricks of the multiplication trade.  In science, students will review and test on natural resources, soil and earth features. 

Also, we are beginning to run low on our pencil supply.  Please encourage your child to use his/her LIFESKILL of responsibility when it comes to holding on to pencils!

I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week and enjoy the great outdoors this weekend when it is warm!

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