Monday, January 28, 2013

Week of February 4

Hello, families!  I hope you all are enjoying your week!

Please sign and return the permission forms that were in your child's communication folder last week as soon as possible.

Looking ahead:  Students will continue learning about elements in poetry (focusing on stanzas, rhyme scheme and repetition).  They will continue working on breaking down writing prompts and the writing process.  As mathematicians, students will learn about fractions being part of a whole.  They will wrap up their study of the American Revolution and test next Wednesday, February 6.

Our grade level charity, "Stuffed with Love," is starting on Monday, February 4!  We are asking all Beacons to donate ONE new or gently used stuffed animal, which will be donated to children at Sister Care.  We hope these stuffed animals bring children comfort through difficult times.  This charity will run through February 28.

After reviewing your child's report card with him/her, you may keep the report card, but please sign and return the cover as soon as possible.  

Also, we are running low on our pencil supply!  Please remind your child to be responsible for pencils that are brought home - to ensure they make it back to school!

Thank you, as always, for your support and generosity!  Have a wonderful weekend!

Check out some of the highlights from our most recent "Being There Experience" to the Lexington County Museum.  We learned many new facts about Native Americans, particularly the Cherokee!

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