Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Week of February 11

We enjoyed the production, "Freedom Train," at the Koger Center.  It was an educational hook for our unit about slavery.  Special thanks to Mrs. Moody and Mrs. Thomas for chaperoning our trip!

Hello, families!  I hope you all have enjoyed your week!

Looking ahead:  Students will continue their study of poetry, focusing on refrain, alliteration, personification simile and metaphor.  They will also study different types of poems.  As writers, they will continue to review elements of prompt writing and kick off a descriptive essay.  In math, students will learn about the placement of fractions on a number line.  As historians, students will begin learning about our national and state government.

Be sure to have your child continue to practice his/her multiplication facts on a daily basis at home!

Our grade level charity, "Stuffed with Love," is started on Monday, February 4!  We are asking all Beacons to donate ONE new or gently used stuffed animal, which will be donated to children at Sister Care.  We hope these stuffed animals bring children comfort through difficult times.  This charity will run through February 28.

After reviewing your child's report card with him/her, you may keep the report card, but please sign and return the cover as soon as possible.

Say, "Cheese!"  Our class picture will be taken on Monday, February 11.

Please be reminded of the Valentines Day procedures at BRES.  Students cannot pass out candy that day.  They may pass out cards (which we'll do at the end of the day).  Any candy sent to school or attached to a card, will be returned home.  Thank you for your understanding and helping us keep BRES healthy!  A note from our Health Committee:
Dear Bookman Family, 
     With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, we wanted to take this opportunity to review our policies and procedures regarding this day.  We will not be celebrating this holiday in school; this includes any "party" type of celebrations, costume attire, or treat bags.  Classroom snack choices, for those teachers who allow them, will continue to follow our healthy snack guidelines which are found in your child's agenda book and on our website.  Teachers are asked to ensure adherence to these guidelines during the day. We appreciate your understanding, acceptance and support of these policies. 
 Your Bookman Road Health Advisory Committee

Also, please send in a donation for our Family Fun Night basket, if you are able to do so.  Mrs. Dotson is putting together something very special!
I hope you all enjoy your weekend and find time to get out and play!

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