Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Looking ahead to the week of September 9 (Music)

Students practiced "Read to Someone" procedures.  They enjoyed sharing a book with a partner and talking about their reading!

Mrs. Harrell shared the book, What if Everybody Did That?, with our class.  Students then created their own pages of the book!

Hello, families!  I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend with your sweet kids!

LIFESKILL of the week:  The LIFESKILL of the week is integrity!  Discuss examples of integrity with your child and celebrate moments of using this LIFESKILL.  

Social Studies study guide:  Just a reminder that your child's social studies study guide is due Wednesday, September 11 (It was issued Wednesday, September 4).  The children will take the unit test in two parts - they will have a vocabulary test September 12 (on the vocabulary words in their fact file, which are the same words on the study guide) and they will have a unit test September 13.  In order to be successful on this unit assessment, students will need to review the study guide, chapter one in their book, as well as all items in their fact file.   They will need to know how to label a South Carolina map with the regions, river systems, fall line, and bordering states and ocean. They will not need to memorize the major cities' exact locations, but should be comfortable with where they are in our state. Please know as the year goes on, that the students will be asked to be responsible for knowing what to study, but since it is their first BIG third grade test, I wanted to give you a bit of guidance.  Also, please note:  Students must return their textbook and fact file each day.  Please make sure your child does not leave these resources at home!  The fact file will be turned in the day of the unit test for a grade.

Xtramath parent letter:  Students will be receiving a letter, regarding the Xtramath program, in their communication folders Thursday.  This is a great site for students to use, in order to practice their math fluency skills.  We will use it in class, as well.  Please remember that all passwords for the programs we use will be stapled in students' agenda books, as soon as, we are able to finalize passwords.  Thank you for your patience!

Communication Folders:  Students will be receiving their first set of graded papers in their communication folders.  Please sign the communication log and leave it in your child's communication folder.  You only need to sign the log once each week.  You may keep his/her graded work after reviewing it with your child.

Field Trip payments/forms:  Students will be enjoying their first "Being HERE Experience" before we know it!  Please sign and return the form that went home in last week's communication folder.  You may make the payment(s) online through Parent Portal, as well as, sign the permission form.  If you have any questions, please let Mrs. Robinson (in the office) know!  Please sign and return the Camp Discovery forms that went home last week, as soon as possible!

Field Trip Payment Instructions

  • ·     Log into Parent Portal
  • ·     Select Student Fees
  • ·     All fees will be selected, unselect any fee you are not paying.
  • ·     Go to your cart to make payment (If you are paying partial payment, there is a blue partial payment button) click on the button and input the amount you are wanting to pay and then update the cart.
  • ·     Return to checkout and the updated amount will be in the cart ready for payment. 

Looking ahead to next week:  Students wrap up their first social studies unit with assessments.  Their study guide (which went home Wednesday, September 4) is due Wednesday, September 11 (the day we will go over it in class).  As mathematicians, the children will continue learning about addition and subtraction.  Be sure to check out our Topic 2 family letter below (We will not be doing lessons 2-3 and 2-4).  In reading, students will be continue building their reading stamina and discussing how to choose a "just right" book.  They will also practice reading in partnerships.  The children will also review elements of a story, focusing on characters and setting.  As writers, students will continue studying basic writing skills and learning parts of speech.  Students will also continue their narrative writing unit.   

Our class blog:  Please make sure you view the desktop version of our class blog each week.  I know many of us check the blog out on our phones.  If you scroll down, please choose the other version, so you may see the important dates section.

Open House:  I hope you'll be able to join me at Open House, Thursday, September 5 (6:00 - 6:45).  I will be highlighting some important points from my Open House booklet.  If are unable to make it, no worries!  You'll receive a paper copy in your child's communication folder Thursday, September 12.

Thank you again for all of your support and enthusiasm!  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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