Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Looking ahead to the week of March 10

The kids kicked off their new science unit, "Good Vibrations!"  They will be diving into the world of sound by studying vibrations, sound sources/receivers, and pitch.

Hello, families!  I hope you all have enjoyed your week so far!

We have missed valuable teaching and learning time, due to the snow/ice and weather delay days we've had recently.  The children and I had a conversation early this week about this situation.  They understand that we've got a lot to make up, so they will not only be prepared for "SCPASS" testing in March and May, but fourth grade!  I've encouraged the kids to do their very personal best these next few weeks in making good choices, so we don't lose out on quality learning time!  I appreciate the children using their LIFESKILLS of flexibility and effort everyday!

Looking ahead:  The children will continue investigating perimeter and area (lessons 14-4, 14-5, 14-7, and 14-8). Please continue to encourage your child to practice his/her facts every day!  Students will continue to have mixed operation quizzes throughout the rest of the school year.  The children will wrap up their study of sound with a test next Friday (Their study guide, which was issued March 7, will be due Thursday, March 13).   Students will also continue preparing for the PASS writing test!  

A note from first grade:
Hi Everyone!  Our first grade charity this year is to collect money for the Columbia Police Department’s K-9 Unit.  We want to raise money to put towards a new bullet proof vest for one of the police dogs.

We will bring a "piggy bank" container for your classroom.  Please drop any donations into the container.

We will come around and pick up donations every Tuesday and Thursday after AIRWAVES for the entire month of March.  The last day to donate will be Thursday, March 27.

The Police officers and dogs will be coming to Bookman the following day to collect our donations.  We are so excited!  

Thank you again for all that you do!  Have a great rest of the week and stay warm!

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