Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Looking ahead to the week of March 17

We are gearing up for "SCPASS" testing!  Ms. Spangler recently visited third grade's community to discuss some important ways students can do their personal best on the test!

Hi, families!  I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful weekend with your sweet kids!

Looking ahead:  The children will begin a unit on measurement (lessons 15-1 and 15-2) in math. Students will NOT receive a study guide for Topics 13 and 14.  A study guide will be completed in class this week, which students can take home to study this Friday, as this eliminates any homework the kids will have the week of "SCPASS" testing.  The kids will also complete a review in class Thursday, March 20, which they can take home that night to study, as well.  Students will test on perimeter and area Friday, March 21.  Keep in mind, the children are welcome to take home their math textbook any day, as long as they bring it back the following day.  Using a textbook is a great way to study!  Please continue to encourage your child to practice his/her facts every day!  Students will continue to have mixed operation quizzes throughout the rest of the school year.  The children kick off their next unit in social studies.  They will study the Antebellum Period.  There will be no unit test!  Instead, students will complete classwork throughout the week, which will cumulatively serve as a test grade.  It will be a big week for the children in ELA!  They will take their first round of the "SCPASS" test Tuesday and Wednesday!  Please be sure to check out the "SCPASS" letter from Mrs. West that went home in your child's folder last week.  There will also be a brochure from the state in your child's folder this week!

Homework reminder:  Please remember students will not receive a new homework packet or reading log this Friday.  Their homework is to get a good night's sleep, be at school on time and ready for the "SCPASS" test!  The next homework packet and reading log will be issued Friday, March 21.

This week's communication folder:  Please be sure to check your child's folder for our next "Being There Experience" permission form!  We'll be going to the State House Wednesday, April 2.  Please sign and return the permission form by Friday, March 21.  There will be no chaperones for this field study, since the State House is set on the number of visitors per group!

Special shout out:  Thank you so much to Ms. Hart for organizing our "SCPASS" snacks.  I also appreciate all of you, who jumped right in, to donate snacks, juice, breakfast items, and treats!  These snacks always make testing a little "sweeter" for the kids!  The kids and I appreciate you more than you know!
*If you volunteered to send in an item, please do so by Monday, March 17!

Third grade's Friends and Family lunch:  You are invited to join us for lunch Friday, March 14.  Students will be going to lunch from their SAIL classes, so you can just plan on meeting us at the Seaside Cafe at 11:32!  We look forward to seeing you!

A note from first grade:
Hi Everyone!  Our first grade charity this year is to collect money for the Columbia Police Department’s K-9 Unit.  We want to raise money to put towards a new bullet proof vest for one of the police dogs.

We will bring a "piggy bank" container for your classroom.  Please drop any donations into the container.

We will come around and pick up donations every Tuesday and Thursday after AIRWAVES for the entire month of March.  The last day to donate will be Thursday, March 27.

The Police officers and dogs will be coming to Bookman the following day to collect our donations.  We are so excited!  

Thank you again for all that you do!  Have a great rest of the week!

In celebration of African American History Month, the children enjoyed an African Drum presentation by students from Blythewood High School.

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