Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Looking ahead to the week of March 24

Students practiced prompt writing all throughout the week, to prepare for SCPASS testing.  They gave each other "pluses and wishes," as they worked together on doing their personal best in writing!

Hi, families!  Our first round of SCPASS testing is finally here!  I've been encouraging the children to ease their worries, as this is just simply their "Time to shine and show all they know!"

Looking ahead:  The children will wrap up their first on measurement (lessons 15-3 and 15-4) in math. Students will receive a study guide Tuesday, March 18, which will be due Tuesday, March 25.  They will complete a test Thursday, March 27.  Keep in mind, the children are welcome to take home their math textbook any day, as long as they bring it back the following day.  Using a textbook is a great way to study!  Please continue to encourage your child to practice his/her facts every day!  Students will continue to have mixed operation quizzes throughout the rest of the school year.  The children kick off their next unit in social studies.  They will study the Civil War.  Next week, they'll focus on the causes of the war, the battle at Fort Sumter, life on the homefront and that of a soldier.  Reading and language arts will be a bit of a mix next week!  The children will enjoy an author's visit on Monday.  Tuesday, they'll complete the MAP reading test, in order to assess their growth.  They will complete their last Reading Counts inventory for the year, which will determine their Lexile levels for the last nine weeks.  The children will also learn how to use e-Books in a lesson with Ms. Sease.  Throughout the week, they'll study idioms and multiple meaning words.

Homework reminder:  Students do not have a homework packet or reading log due this week.  They'll receive a new packet and log Friday, March 21.

State House "Being There Experience":  We'll be going to the State House Wednesday, April 2.  Please sign and return the permission form by Friday, March 21, which was in your child's communication folder last week.  There will be no chaperones for this field study, since the State House is set on the number of visitors per group!

SCPASS snacks:  Thank you again to all of you, who donated SCPASS snacks.  It made testing a little "sweeter" for the kids!

A note from first grade:
Hi Everyone!  Our first grade charity this year is to collect money for the Columbia Police Department’s K-9 Unit.  We want to raise money to put towards a new bullet proof vest for one of the police dogs.

We will bring a "piggy bank" container for your classroom.  Please drop any donations into the container.

We will come around and pick up donations every Tuesday and Thursday after AIRWAVES for the entire month of March.  The last day to donate will be Thursday, March 27.

The Police officers and dogs will be coming to Bookman the following day to collect our donations.  We are so excited!  

Thank you again for all that you do!  Enjoy your week with your sweet kids!

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