Thursday, November 17, 2016

Looking ahead to the week of November 21 (Week A)

Students enjoyed celebrating veterans at PTO's breakfast, our chorus' program, and a special parade.  We thank all of our active military members and veterans!

Mr. Finklea visited our school and told us all about his life, as an author!

Students learned about the Distributive Property of Multiplication and even made a human array example of how we can use the property to help us with multiplication!

Hi, families!  I hope you all have enjoyed your week and the extra hour this past weekend!

LIFESKILL of the week:  Courage - Encourage your child to celebrate ways of showing courage!

Impact Aid Forms:  Please complete and sign the green Impact Aid form going home in your child's communication folder Thursday.  Return these forms, as soon as possible!

Lapathon:  Please support our physical education program!  This year, any classroom that donates a total of $200 or above will receive a smoothie making party from Mr. Schirmer.  Also, the classroom that donates the most money will receive an extra PE one morning.

Homework:  A new homework packet will not be distributed Friday, November 18.  Students will not have a homework packet the week of November 21 - Happy fall break!  Students will receive their next homework packet Monday, November 28.  It will be due Friday, December 2.

Report Cards:  Please be sure to sign and return the report card envelope.  You may keep the contents!

Palmetto Pride:  A reminder from Mrs. King and Ms. Burkett - 

Communication folders:  Communication folders will not go home the week of November 21.  Students will receive their communication folders Thursday, December 1.

Half day:  Students will have a half day Friday, December 2.  Lunch will be served.  Students will be dismissed at 11:30.  Please send a note or call the office, if your child's transportation changes. 

A note from second grade:  This year the second grade service project will benefit the Palmetto Health Richland Children's Hospital. Students will be collecting items that are needed for kids just like them who come into the emergency department. There is a great need for several items. We will be collecting:
  • coloring books
  • crayons/markers
  • New underwear in various sizes
  • New socks
If you are able to, please consider donating and asking your family and friends to donate. Representatives from the hospital will be coming to our school on November 22nd to accept the donations. They will also be doing a demonstration for the kids. 

Literacy Night:  Join us for Literacy Night at the Publix on Two Notch!  It's sure to be lots of fun!  Check out this video promotion for Literacy Night:

Looking ahead to next week:  As scientists, students will learn about natural resources, as well as, how people affect the environment.  As mathematicians, they will wrap up Topic 6 with an assessment.  We will be using the Envision curriculum for this unit, so please see the family letter below. As readers, students will learn about character traits.  As writers, they will revisit expository writing.

Thank you again for all of your support!  Have a great weekend!

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