Thursday, November 3, 2016

Looking ahead to the week of November 7 (Week A)

Join us Friday, November 11, for a special Veterans Day program!

Hi, families!  It's great to be back with the kids!  I sure did miss them!

LIFESKILL of the week:  Organization - Encourage your child to celebrate ways of showing organization!

Report Cards:  Please be sure to sign and return the report card envelope.  You may keep the contents!

Quick Checks:  Students will be completing "Quick Checks" for each math lesson. They will get three attempts at each lesson's quick check, and the average of all quick checks will be taken as a classwork grade. Topic 5 will be a practice round, but we will be in full force for Topic 6. Students are encouraged to take their time, and if they miss a question or more, to go back and practice more problems before attempting again. This is a good way for students to monitor their progress and check for understanding.

A note from second grade:  This year the second grade service project will benefit the Palmetto Health Richland Children's Hospital. Students will be collecting items that are needed for kids just like them who come into the emergency department. There is a great need for several items. We will be collecting:
  • coloring books
  • crayons/markers
  • New underwear in various sizes
  • New socks
If you are able to, please consider donating and asking your family and friends to donate. Representatives from the hospital will be coming to our school on November 22nd to accept the donations. They will also be doing a demonstration for the kids. 

Looking ahead to next week:  As historians, students will wrap up their unit of study on the Colonial Period.  They will kick off a new unit in science:  Earth's land/water features and soil! As mathematicians, they will continue to learn about patterns in multiplication.  We will be using the Envision curriculum for this unit, so please see the family letter below. As readers and writers, students will be taking what they learned about the Colonial Period, as well as, text features, to create informational picture books.  They will also have their first grade spelling word post-test.

Thank you again for all of your support!  Have a great weekend!

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