Thursday, December 1, 2016

Looking ahead to the week of December 5 (Week A)

Students enjoyed celebrating the importance of physical education and a healthy lifestyle at our annual Lapathon!  Shout out to all of you, who collected donations to go toward our PE program.

Hi, families! I hope you all had a wonderful fall/Thanksgiving break!

LIFESKILL of the week:  Pride - Encourage your child to celebrate ways of showing pride!

Half day:  Students will have a half day Friday, December 2.  Lunch will be served.  Students will be dismissed at 11:30.  Please send a note or call the office, if your child's transportation changes. 

Third grade Friends and Family lunch:  Be sure to join us Thursday, December 8, at 11:35 in the Seaside Cafe for Friends and Family lunch!

Looking ahead to next week:  As scientists, students will learn about rock properties through mock rock investigations.  As mathematicians, they will continue learning about the relationship between multiplication and division.  We will be using the Envision curriculum for this unit, so please see the family letter below. As readers, revisit our Treasures series and enjoy Stone Soup, while focusing on inferencing.  As writers, they will wrap up their expository writing and study the use of quotation marks in writing.

Thank you again for all of your support!  Have a great weekend!

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