Thursday, December 15, 2016

Looking ahead to the week of January 2 (Week A)

Students received a visit from the Rotary Club this week.  The club passed along dictionaries to every student in third grade!

Hi, families! I hope you all had a great week!  I know the kids are excited about Winter Break!  Be sure to continue your child to do his/her personal best, as we move forward in the third grade year!

LIFESKILL of the week:  Flexibility - Encourage your child to celebrate ways of showing flexibility!

Diamond Del:  A permission brochure went home with your child Thursday, December 8.  Please sign and return the form, as soon as possible!  Your child may bring money to purchase items mentioned in the brochure from Diamond Del Thursday, January 5, if you'd like.  The "Being Here Experience" payment covered Diamond Del's visit, so there is no fee.

Communication folders and homework before Winter Break:  Students will not receive a communication folder Thursday, December 15.  Students will also not be issued a homework packet December 16.  They will not receive their next homework packet till January 6.  

Looking ahead to next week:  As scientists, students wrap up their rocks and minerals unit.  As mathematicians, they will finish studying the relationship between multiplication and division.  We will be using the Envision curriculum for this unit, so please see the family letter below. As readers, the children will look at cold reads and locating information.   As writers, they will be introduced to text-dependent analysis.

Check out our class in music:  Visit the following link:

Winter celebration:  Our winter party is almost here!  Please join us Friday, December 16, 12:15 - 1:30!  Check out the letter from our homeroom mom, Ms. Miles below for ways you can help!  Please also remember, if you would like your child to go home early Friday after our party, be sure to sign him/her out from the front office first.  The office will then call your child down for dismissal.  

Thank you again for all of your support!  Have a great Winter Break with your sweet families!  I look forward to seeing the children again Tuesday, January 3, 2017!

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