Thursday, January 19, 2017

Looking ahead to the week of January 23 (Week B)

Be sure to join us for our PTO meeting Monday, January 23!  Third grade will be performing songs about South Carolina.  If your child is joining us, please be sure to drop him/her off at the music room no later than 6:45, wearing blue bottoms and a white shirt.

Hi, families! I hope you all had a great week!

LIFESKILL of the week:  Patience - Encourage your child to celebrate ways of showing patience!

Report Cards:  As always, the end of the nine weeks is a great time to reflect on your child's progress, both academically and behaviorally.  Please be sure to set high expectations and goals with your child for the third nine weeks.  Although third grade can be a difficult transition year, we expect students to develop strong study habits, increase rigor, and become more independent, as we try our best to prepare them for the upper grades.  Encourage your child to find a quiet place to complete study guides and homework in a timely manner, practice multiplication facts daily, read a good book, and discuss what he/she has learned with you each day.  You may keep your child's report card and comments, but please sign and return the report card sleeve!

A message from kindergarten: 

Looking ahead to next week:  As historians, students will wrap up their study of the American Revolution.  They will have a unit test Wednesday, January 25.  They will kick off a new study on government, by the end of the week!  As mathematicians, they will finish studying the first half of their fraction unit.  They will have a mid-module test Friday, January 27.  We will be using the Engage New York curriculum for this unit, so please see the family letter below.  As readers and writers, students will enjoy American Revolution hero and heroine biographies and create Google Slide presentations to show all that they've learned about their war hero.

Thank you again for all of your support!  Have a great weekend!

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