Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Looking ahead to the week of October 23 (Week B)

Students enjoyed learning about guide words in the dictionary with Mrs. Harris in the Media Center.

Hi, families!  Happy long weekend to you all!

Study guides:  As a third grade team, we've noticed several students not completing study guides in the week they are given to do them.  We are offering students three extra points on the corresponding assessments if they complete study guides by the day they are due for review.  

Looking ahead to next week:  As historians, students begin looking at European exploration. As mathematicians, they will continue learning how to tell time and calculate elapsed time.  We will be using the Engage New York curriculum for this unit, so please see the family letter below. In reading, students will take a look at informational text features (timelines, maps, charts, the appendix, glossary, photographs, illustrations, and captions).  They'll learn how these features further explain the text.  As writers, they will produce another personal narrative.  Students will study comparative adjectives and adverbs, as well.   

Thank you again for all of your support!  Enjoy the extra time with your sweet kiddos this weekend!

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