Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Looking ahead to the week of October 7 (Art)

We appreciate everyone, who was able to make it to Cici's Pizza Night!  What a great turnout for our school!

Hello, families!  

LIFESKILL of the week:  The LIFESKILL of the week is cooperation!  Discuss examples of cooperation with your child and celebrate moments of using this LIFESKILL while at school, home and out and about in the community.  

Envision textbooks:  If you would like to keep your child's Envision textbook at home till the end of the school year, please let me know.  The children only use their workbook in class, but the textbook may be used as a resource when reviewing with your child at home.  Just send me an email and I'll pull your child's book!  You can always access your child's textbook online, using your child's password sheet.  Also, after the last lesson of each unit, students will bring home the workbook pages they've used in class.  Not all of the problems may be completed on each page, because we may do only half and then do more work on slates during small group rotations.  Your child is welcome to use the unsolved problems, as extra practice, in preparation for the unit tests!

Homework reminder:  Students have been issued math and science study guides, back-to-back, so we will hold off issuing a homework sheet October 3, so students will have ample time to complete their study guides and prepare for the tests.  Thank you for your flexibility.  Students will receive a new homework sheet October 10.  

United Way campaign:  Just a reminder that students are also welcome to donate spare change from September 30 - October 4.  We will celebrate all of our donations toward United Way with a pajama day October 4.  Appropriate pajamas for school and shoes will be required.  Thank you for your donations! 

Looking ahead to next week:  As scientists, students will wrap up their ecosystems unit.  As mathematicians, the children will dive into their first unit on multiplication toward the end of the week.  It is a short unit, but go ahead and start practicing those multiplication facts!  They'll have their first individual multiplication quiz on the 1s tables next week!  Be sure to check out our Topic 4 family letter below.  In reading, students will look at CLOSE reading passages and learn how to find evidence when analyzing texts.  As writers, they will learn about verb tenses, as well as, work on Veterans Day letters of appreciation, which will be handed out at our military breakfast, as a part of our grade level service.    

Who's reading the blog?  See if you can solve this Rebus puzzle and email Mrs. West with your best guess in the subject line!

Thank you again for all of your support!  You're the best!

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